Unknown Signs That You Need an Orthodontic Treatment

If you notice your kid breathes through the mouth, it may be a sign to visit an orthodontist in Panama City, FL. Here are other signs to look out for.

Orthodontic issues affect more than the aesthetics of your smile: they can potentially disrupt your overall oral health and quality of life. Sadly, identifying a problem isn’t as easy as it seems: often visiting an orthodontist in Panama City, FL, is the only way to really know that there are no problems.

Because of that, dentists recommend you take your kid to the orthodontist once they’re one year old. If you missed this appointment, though, or their issues developed later in life, we came up with this short guide offering 5 signs that you need to seek prompt treatment.

Girl with Braces After Visitin an Orthodontist in Panama City FL

5 Signs You or Your Kid Might Need Orthodontic Treatment

1. Crowded or Crooked Teeth

Having teeth that are crowded together or not in straight alignment is one of the most obvious signs that orthodontic intervention may be required. These conditions are more than just cosmetic issues; they can make maintaining good oral hygiene much more difficult, which increases the risk of cavities and periodontal diseases.

This is especially concerning in children, as they’re already more prone to cavities and tooth decay. You should see an orthodontist if your child's teeth are crooked, overlap, or you have trouble flossing between them.

2. Difficulty Chewing or Biting

Orthodontic problems frequently result in functional issues like difficulty biting or chewing. These may manifest as discomfort when eating, avoiding particular foods, or even gastrointestinal problems brought on by improper chewing.  

So, if you notice your kid has started eating in a weird way or that he’s avoiding foods like toast and raw vegetables, it may be an indicator that their teeth are not aligning as they should.

It could also be that they’re not a fan of their veggies, though.

3. Excessive Wear on Teeth

Misaligned teeth don't meet evenly, which may lead to excessive wear and tear on key areas. This can manifest in flattened, chipped, or unusually sharp edges on the teeth.

Over time, it can cause sensitivity and weaken the structure of the teeth, causing more dental problems. With orthodontic treatment, you can align your bite and ensure you're distributing forces evenly, preventing unwanted wear.

4. Chronic Mouth Breathing

Mouth breathing can cause orthodontic problems, such as an elongated face, misaligned teeth, and an improper bite, by changing the way the mouth and jaw naturally develop.  

It can also result in dry mouth, which raises the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. So, if you notice your kid is relying on their mouth a little too much, reach out to a medical professional or an orthodontist right away!

5. Early, Late, or Irregular Loss of Baby Teeth

The timing of a child's baby tooth loss can greatly impact their permanent tooth alignment. Crowding, gaps, and misaligned teeth can result from early, late, or irregular loss because the teeth may not have enough room to grow properly.  

Because of that, monitoring a child’s tooth development alongside an orthodontist is crucial to identifying potential issues early.

Orthodontist in Panama City FL Explains How Smotachaches and Braces Relate

Find an Orthodontist in Panama City, FL

Orthodontic problems can manifest in various ways, such as excessive wear on teeth, gaps between teeth, or chronic mouth breathing. Luckily, there are various modern treatments today that will help you and your family restore their health.

Reach out to Forest Park Dental and get the professional evaluation your family needs!

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